Thursday 14 June 2012

Shaping the Future

For our final lecture we were given a talk from Steve Molk. It was fascinating to hear his perspectives on journalism today. He started out doing a chemistry undergraduate degree, then worked in IT for several years before beginning a blog where he reviews television shows; Molk’s TV Talk

The most  interesting message he gave us was, whatever you are interested in, whether it be seemingly mundane, if you consistently and intentionally stick to it, you‘ll find that you will connect with the subculture over the internet and people will interact with you to find out more about it. We have access to professionals over the internet. We can ask questions via twitter. We have the ability to communicate and connect directly with the source and then take the information and create stories on it, all via new media.

Steve pointed out the many opportunities that exist today, whether it is moving into traditional journalism, print or moving into PR, all of the aspects will involve creating and controlling the story. There will be guidelines around what we write, there will be editors and sub editors, but starting now we have the opportunity to pitch our own stories in any direction we wish. Steve encouraged us to start now, to begin writing articles, investigating our interests, forming our own opinions and seeing where it leads us. And this is exactly what I plan to do!

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